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Full Moon Necklace

Required Level48
RaceAll races
Special EffectsIncrease 27% Increase of all attack
Defense ability by 27% Increase
Maximum HP FP Increased by 10%
Movement speed increased by 0.50
ElementFire 9, Water 9, Earth 9, Wind 9

Maximum HP FP Increased by 15%
Movement speed increased by 1.00
Increase 5% Increase of all attack
Defense ability by 3% Increase


A necklace that reveals the soft moonlight. Gain the power of moonlight when worn. Can be combined through the item combination function of the hero NPC.
Combination: Full Moon Necklace*1 + Moonlight Fragment*1 = Probability to obtain Selene Necklace*1 or Moonlight Fragment*10
Combination: Full Moon Necklace*1 + 10 million racial coins = optionally transformed into New Moon Ring or Hahyeondal Ring

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