1. Home > Accessories > Ring > Valentine’s Day Red Ring

Valentine’s Day Red Ring

Required Level40
RaceAll races
Special EffectsIncrease 30% Increase of all attack
Defense ability by 27% Increase
Maximum HP FP Increased by 15%
It will exchange 10.0% of attack damage to HP
ElementFire 9, Water 9, Earth 9, Wind 9

Increase 3% Increase of all attack
Defense ability by 3% Increase
Maximum HP FP Increased by 10%
Movement speed increased by 0.20


A red ring set with Lover's Mineral gemstones can produce a special effect when worn together with a white Valentine's Day ring.

Lover Mine Gem*100
+Valentine's Day Red Ring*1
=Determine to upgrade to a glowing Valentine's Day Red Ring

Decomposition: Valentine's Day Red Ring*1
= Lover Mine Gem*25

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