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Ancient Armor (Diadalos, PALMAS, KnightWalker)

Ancient Armors are one of rare armors, that you can only get its from combinations of Perdions Stone (that drops from all races Control Center in Crag Mine) and 50 armors. The Ancient Armors can give characters full-set special effects when ancient armors and ancient accessories equipped.

Didalos / Daidalos Set (Accretia Empire)

Perdion Laboratory’s Helmet. It is assumed they are made for human-sized robot experiments. Daidalros-X.T is inscribed on the surface. Daidalos set consist of three types, M-type for Warrior, R-type for Ranger, L-type for Launcher.

Daidalos Tactical (M-type) Set level 50
Daidalos Tactical Custom (M-type) Set level 55
Didalos Armor for Accretian WarriorDidalos Armor for Accretian WarriorDidalos Armor for Accretian WarriorDidalos Armor for Accretian WarriorDidalos Armor for Accretian WarriorDidalos Ring for Accretian WarriorDidalos Ring for Accretian Warrior
Defense Ability 50% Increase
Increase 30% Increase of all attack
Attack Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Max HP/FP 10% Increase
Daidalos Tactical (R-type) Set level 50
Daidalos Tactical Custom (R-type) Set level 55
Didalos Armor for Accretian RangerDidalos Armor for Accretian RangerDidalos Armor for Accretian RangerDidalos Armor for Accretian RangerDidalos Armor for Accretian RangerDidalos Armor for Accretian RangerDidalos Ring for Accretian Ranger
Defense Ability 30% Increase
20 Increase Damage Avoidance Increase
All Resistance 20 Increase
Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Increase 10% Increase of all attack
Max HP/FP 10% Increase
Daidalos Tactical (L-type) Set level 50
Daidalos Tactical Custom (L-type) Set level 55
Didalos Armor for Accretian StrikerDidalos Armor for Accretian StrikerDidalos Armor for Accretian StrikerDidalos Armor for Accretian StrikerDidalos Armor for Accretian StrikerDidalos Ring for Accretian StrikerDidalos Ring for Accretian Striker
Defense Ability 30% Increase
Attack Delay of Launcher 0.05 Decrease(Sec)
Critical Probability 20 Increase
Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
10% Increase of All Attack
Max HP/FP 10% Increase

Palmas Set (Bellato Union)

The prototype of the past, Bellatian’s Helmet. The name might came from developmental team.Inside the armor (Team-P.A.L.M.A.S) is inscribed. PALMAS set consist of three types, M-type for Warrior, R-type for Ranger, F-type for Force.

Palmas Protector (M-type) Set level 50
Palmas Protector 2sik (M-type) Set level 55
P.A.L.M.A.S Head Protector for WarriorP.A.L.M.A.S Body Protector for WarriorP.A.L.M.A.S Leg Protector for WarriorP.A.L.M.A.S Shoes Protector for WarriorP.A.L.M.A.S Gloves Protector for WarriorP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for WarriorP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for Warrior
Defense Ability 50% Increase
Increase 30% Increase of all attack
Attack Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Max HP/FP 10% Increase
Palmas Protector (R-type) Set level 50
Palmas Protector 2sik (R-type) Set level 55
P.A.L.M.A.S Head Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Body Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Leg Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Shoes Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Gloves Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Head Protector for Level 55 RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Body Protector for Level 55 RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Leg Protector for Level 55 RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Shoes Protector for Level 55 RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Gloves Protector for Level 55 RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for Level 55 RangerP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for Level 55 Ranger
Defense Ability 30% Increase
20 Increase Damage Avoidance Increase
All Resistance 20 Increase
Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Increase 10% Increase of all attack
Max HP/FP 10% Increase
Palmas Protector (F-type) Set level 50
Palmas Protector 2sik (F-type) Set level 55
P.A.L.M.A.S Head Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Body Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Leg Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Shoes Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Gloves Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Head Protector for Level 55 SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Body Protector for Level 55 SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Leg Protector for Level 55 SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Shoes Protector for Level 55 SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Gloves Protector for Level 55 SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for Level 55 SpiritualistP.A.L.M.A.S Ring Protector for Level 55 Spiritualist
Defense Ability 30% Increase
Increase 30% Increase of all attack
Force range is 20 Increase
Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Max HP/FP 10% Increase

KnightWalker Set (Cora Alliance)

The Guardians of Perdion Laborator, Knight Walkers’ Shoes. Knight Walker’s initial and emblem are inscribed. KnightWalker set consist of three types, M-type for Warrior, R-type for Ranger, F-type for Force.

KnightWalker Battle (M-type) Set level 50
NightWalker Battle 2sik (M-type) Set level 55
Knightwalker Armor for Cora WarriorKnightwalker Armor for Cora WarriorKnightwalker Armor for Cora WarriorKnightwalker Armor for Cora WarriorKnightwalker Armor for Cora WarriorKnightwalker Earring for Cora WarriorKnightwalker Ring for Cora WarriorNightwalker Armor for Cora Warrior level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Warrior level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Warrior level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Warrior level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Warrior level 55Nightwalker Earring for Cora Warrior level 55Nightwalker Earring for Cora Warrior level 55
Defense Ability 50% Increase
Increase 30% Increase of all attack
Attack Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Max HP/FP 10% Increase
KnightWalker Battle (R-type) Set level 50
NightWalker Battle(R-type) Set level 55
Knightwalker Armor for Cora RangerKnightwalker Armor for Cora RangerKnightwalker Armor for Cora RangerKnightwalker Armor for Cora RangerKnightwalker Armor for Cora RangerKnightwalker Earring for Cora RangerKnightwalker Earring for Cora RangerNightwalker Armor for Cora Ranger level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Ranger level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Ranger level 55Nightwalker for Armor Cora Ranger level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Ranger level 55Nightwalker for Cora Ranger level 55Nightwalker Earring for Cora Ranger level 55
Defense Ability 30% Increase
20 Increase Damage Avoidance Increase
All Resistance 20 Increase
Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Increase 10% Increase of all attack
Max HP/FP 10% Increase
KnightWalker Battle (F-type) Set level 50
NightWalker Battle (F-type) Set level 55
Knightwalker armor for Cora SpiritualistKnightwalker armor for Cora SpiritualistKnightwalker armor for Cora SpiritualistKnightwalker armor for Cora SpiritualistKnightwalker armor for Cora SpiritualistKnightwalker Earring for Cora SpiritualistKnightwalker Earring for Cora SpiritualistNightwalker Armor for Cora Spiritualist level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Spiritualist level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Spiritualist level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Spiritualist level 55Nightwalker Armor for Cora Spiritualist level 55Nightwalker Earring for Cora Spiritualist level 55Nightwalker Earring for Cora Spiritualist level 55
Defense Ability 30% Increase
Increase 30% Increase of all attack
Force range is 20 Increase
Delay of Skill Attack is 0.02 Increase(Sec)
Max HP/FP 10% Increase

Fun Fact

Congratulations, I appreciate you reading this. You want to know more about these Ancient Armors (Diadalos, PALMAS, KnightWalker) right? Here fun fact about these RF Online Ancient Armors:

Palmas/Daidalos/Knightwalker armor was made in Japan and was included in the game. CCR decided to introduce these set items by adding ‘Episode 2: Update Part 1’ of ‘RF Online’., they made Diadalos, PALMAS, KnightWalker sets, illustrated by Shirow Masamune (Japanese manga artist who also author of Ghost in the Shell).

This is the first time Shirow Masamune has participated in domestic game work, and he designed melee-type, ranger-type, force-type, and launcher-type items for the three races in the game, including ‘Bellato’, ‘Cora’, and ‘Accretia’.

An official from RF Online said, “When we applied it to the Japanese service last February, there were no plans to update it in Korea, but we introduced it due to constant requests from domestic users.” He added, “The design that adds a Japanese style to the author’s unique science fiction world view is a great hit for domestic gamers.” “It will also be a great attraction for people,” he said.

Gamers above level 50 can directly experience Shirow Masamune‘s monumental game items by combining set item materials and armor for each part.

Accretia Diadalos Illustration Design
Bellato Palmas Illustration Design
Cora KnightWalker Illustration Design

Accretia Diadalos Illustration Design
Bellato Palmas Illustration Design
Cora KnightWalker Illustration Design
Illustrated by Shirow Masamune (26-10-2005)

RF Online SF MMORPG operated by SEGA from 2005 to 2007. Originally, its Korean company CCR had been developing the game in their home country since October 2004, but SEGA acquired the rights to sell and operate online games in Japan, and it began rolling out in Japan in 2005.

It’s something. The client program can be downloaded for free from the official website, but it was released as a starter kit in 2006 with various benefits. Mr. Shiro provides item designs for billing campaigns. This item was distributed in-game on February 3, 2006.

Management by SEGA ended on February 28, 2007, but since April of the same year it has been operated by Game On (official website). (Amazon / rfonline.jp webarchive) Mr. Shiro‘s illustrations are included in “2007 Shiro Masamune Calendar WORKS”.


  1. RF, 공각기동대 원작자가 디자인한 아이템 공개. Inven.co.kr. Retrieved 12 July 2024.
  2. [TGS2005#15]「RF online」正式サービスは10月18日15時開始 士郎正宗デザイン日本オリジナルアイテムも登場. 4Gamer.net. Retrieved 12 July 2024.
  3. RF온라인 Namu.wiki. Retrieved 12 July 2024.

Thank you for reading, have fun playing RF Online!