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Planet Ring Combination

There are 8 planet ring in Novus Planet:

8 Planet Ring in Novus

Planet Ring

-Mercury Ring
-Venus Ring
-Earth Ring
-Mars Ring
-Jupiter Ring
-Saturn Ring
-Uranus Ring
-Neptune Ring

Sun Ring / Solar Ring Combination

Step 1: Go to Hero NPC

Step 2: Open Item combination menu

To create a Sun Ring / Solar Ring, combine 4 Planet Ring : Mercury Ring, Earth Ring, Mars Ring and Saturn Ring

Step 3: Combine these four items:

Mercury RingEarth RingMars RingSaturn Ring
Only obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from Events
it costs 100.000 CP/Dalant/Disena to combine

Step 4: Click to start combine.

Sun Ring / Solar Ring combination

Novas Ring / Lunar Ring Combination

Step 1: Go to Hero NPC

Step 2: Open Item combination menu

To create a Novas Ring / Lunar Ring , combine 4 Planet Ring : Venus, Jupiter, Uranus dan Neptune

Step 3: Combine these four items:

Venus RingJupiter RingUranus RingNeptune Ring
Only obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from Events
it costs 100.000 CP/Dalant/Disena to combine

Step 4: Click to start combine.

Novas Ring / Lunar Ring combination

Ace Ring / Novus Ring Combination

Step 1: Go to Hero NPC

Step 2: Open Item combination menu

To create a Ace Ring / Novus Ring combine 2 Planet Ring : Sun Ring and Novas Ring

Step 3: Combine these two items:

Sun RingNovas Ring
Only obtainable from EventsOnly obtainable from Events
it costs 500.000 CP/Dalant/Disena to combine

If combination process failed, the result will be : Universe waste

Universe Waste

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