Home > Monster > GreatAnabola GreatAnabolaGreatAnabolaMONSTER INFORMATION PitBoss Mutant Race Level62Defense2785HP322900Def.Facing (?)0.068Attack93210Accuracy322Atk Speed2034Move Speed6AggressiveNoDodge161Shield BlockNoBlock Per0 Special Attacks: Sand Storm Vein Fall OTHER INFOAlso known as : PB Great AnabolaChild Monsters No child monstersElemental ResistanceFireWaterEarthWind 0 0 0 0Spawn in Unknown Screenshot Loot from This Monster Comments MapScreenshot not found DROP LISTAncient Elven Blade100.00% Ancient Elven Bow100.00% Ancient Elven Staff100.00% Ancient Metal Elven Blade100.00% Ancient Metal Elven Dual Blade100.00% Ancient Metal Elven Bow100.00% Ancient Metal Elven Gatling Canon100.00% Eroded Metal Elven Launcher100.00% MAU blessing100.00% Ancient Elven Wand100.00% Ancient Metal Elven Shield100.00% Ancient Elven Shield100.00% The actual drop rates may be different.If '???%' means that we don't know exactly number of rate drops, but it will be guaranteed to be dropped in RF Online last update 4.55 Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website 0 Comments Inline FeedbacksView all comments Unknown Map