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Soul Sinder

Soul Sinder
PitBossMutantaquaMistFrost ArrowHeal


PitBoss PitBoss


Mutant Mutant Race


aqua Water Elemental Resistance

HP1008900Def.Facing (?)0.061
Atk Speed4000Move Speed6
Shield BlockNoBlock Per0
Special Attacks:
Healing Healing
Geyser Geyser
Frost Arrow Frost Arrow


Also known as :

  PB SS Elan

Child Monsters
Soul Sinder Guard (9 monsters)
Elemental Resistance
0 60 0 0
Spawn in
Elan Plateau

PitBoss Soul Sinder / Soul Cinder spawn in Grand Gallery, Elan Plateau



The actual drop rates may be different.
If '???%' means that we don't know exactly number of rate drops, but it will be guaranteed to be dropped in RF Online last update 4.55

Selene Beam Saber [Rare D]3.00% Selene Beam Sword [Rare D]3.00% 
Selene Bulova [Rare D]3.00% Selene Beam Pressure [Rare D]3.00% Selene Staff [Rare D]3.00% 
Selene Lance [Rare D]3.00% Selene Siege Bow [Rare D]3.00% Selene Gatling [Rare D]3.00% 
Selene Flame Launcher [Rare D]3.00% Selene Grenade Launcher [Rare D]3.00% Selene Wing [Rare D]3.00% 
War Machine Legs [Rare D]3.00% Bleach Legs [Rare D]3.00% Buster Gear Legs [Rare D]3.00% 
Titan Trousers [Rare D]3.00% Antares Slacks [Rare D]3.00% Naiad Trousers [Rare D]3.00% 
Taurus Trousers [Rare D]3.00% Sagittarius Slacks [Rare D]3.00% Aries Trousers [Rare D]3.00% 
War Machine Landing [Rare D]3.00% Bleach Landing [Rare D]3.00% Buster Gear Landing [Rare D]3.00% 
Titan Greaves [Rare D]3.00% Antares Boots [Rare D]3.00% Naiad Shoes [Rare D]3.00% 
Taurus Greaves [Rare D]3.00% Sagittarius Boots [Rare D]3.00% Aries Shoes [Rare D]3.00% 
Spica Protector [Rare D]3.00% Rigel Shield [Rare D]3.00% Sagan Beam Saber [Rare B]18.00% 
Sagan Beam Sword [Rare B]18.00% Sagan Bulova [Rare B]18.00% Sagan Beam Pressure [Rare B]18.00% 
Sagan Staff [Rare B]18.00% Sagan Lance [Rare B]18.00% Sagan Siege Bow [Rare B]18.00% 
Sagan Gatling [Rare B]18.00% Sagan Flame Launcher [Rare B]18.00% Sagan Grenade Launcher [Rare B]18.00% 
Sagan Wing [Rare B]18.00% Sublime WarMachine Leg [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Bleach Leg [Rare B]18.00% 
Sublime BusterGear Leg [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Titan Trouser [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Antiless Slakes [Rare B]18.00% 
Sublime Nias Trouser [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Taurus Trouser [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Sajitarius Slakes [Rare B]18.00% 
Sublime Airless Trouser [Rare B]18.00% Sublime WarMachine Landing [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Bleach Landing [Rare B]18.00% 
Sublime BusterGear Landing [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Titan Greave [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Antiless Boots [Rare B]18.00% 
Sublime Nias Shoes [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Taurus Greave [Rare B]18.00% Sublime Sajitarius Boots [Rare B]18.00% 
Sublime Airless Shoes [Rare B]18.00% Intense Phecda Protector18.00% Intense Merak Shield18.00% 
Selene Beam Saber [Rare B]22.00% Selene Beam Sword [Rare B]22.00% Selene Bulova [Rare B]22.00% 
Selene Beam Pressure [Rare B]22.00% Selene Staff [Rare B]22.00% Selene Lance [Rare B]22.00% 
Selene Siege Bow [Rare B]22.00% Selene Gatling [Rare B]22.00% Selene Flame Launcher [Rare B]22.00% 
Selene Grenade Launcher [Rare B]22.00% Selene Wing [Rare B]22.00% WarMachine Leg [Rare B]22.00% 
Bleach Leg [Rare B]22.00% BusterGear Leg [Rare B]22.00% Titan Trouser [Rare B]22.00% 
Antiless Slakes [Rare B]22.00% Nias Trouser [Rare B]22.00% Taurus Trouser [Rare B]22.00% 
Sajitarius Slakes [Rare B]22.00% Airless Trouser [Rare B]22.00% WarMachine Landing [Rare B]22.00% 
Bleach Landing [Rare B]22.00% BusterGear Landing [Rare B]22.00% Titan Greave [Rare B]22.00% 
Antiless Boots [Rare B]22.00% Nias Shoes [Rare B]22.00% Taurus Greave [Rare B]22.00% 
Sajitarius Boots [Rare B]22.00% Airless Shoes [Rare B]22.00% Intense Spica Protector22.00% 
Intense Rigel Shield22.00% Selene Beam Saber75.00% Selene Beam Sword75.00% 
Selene Bulova75.00% Selene Beam Pressure75.00% Selene Staff75.00% 
Selene Lance75.00% Selene Siege Bow75.00% Selene Gatling75.00% 
Selene Flame Launcher75.00% Selene Grenade Launcher75.00% Selene Wing75.00% 
WarMachine Leg75.00% Bleach Leg75.00% BusterGear Leg75.00% 
Titan Trouser75.00% Antiless Slakes75.00% Nias Trouser75.00% 
Taurus Trouser75.00% Sajitarius Slakes75.00% Airless Trouser75.00% 
WarMachine Landing75.00% Bleach Landing75.00% BusterGear Landing75.00% 
Titan Greave75.00% Antiless Boots75.00% Nias Shoes75.00% 
Taurus Greave75.00% Sajitarius Boots75.00% Airless Shoes75.00% 
Spica Protector75.00% Rigel Shield75.00% Sagan Beam Saber82.00% 
Sagan Beam Sword82.00% Sagan Bulova82.00% Sagan Beam Pressure82.00% 
Sagan Staff82.00% Sagan Lance82.00% Sagan Siege Bow82.00% 
Sagan Gatling82.00% Sagan Flame Launcher82.00% Sagan Grenade Launcher82.00% 
Sagan Wing82.00% Sublime WarMachine Leg82.00% Sublime Bleach Leg82.00% 
Sublime BusterGear Leg82.00% Sublime Titan Trouser82.00% Sublime Antiless Slakes82.00% 
Sublime Nias Trouser82.00% Sublime Taurus Trouser82.00% Sublime Sajitarius Slakes82.00% 
Sublime Airless Trouser82.00% Sublime WarMachine Landing82.00% Sublime Bleach Landing82.00% 
Sublime BusterGear Landing82.00% Sublime Titan Greave82.00% Sublime Antiless Boots82.00% 
Sublime Nias Shoes82.00% Sublime Taurus Greave82.00% Sublime Sajitarius Boots82.00% 
Sublime Airless Shoes82.00% Phecda Protector82.00% Merak Shield82.00% 
Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% 
Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% 
Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% Elemental Amulet Gamble Box100.00% 
Intense Hora Knife100.00% Intense Hora Sword100.00% Intense Hora Axe100.00% 
Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Intense Hora Staff100.00% Intense Hora Spear100.00% 
Intense Hora Bow100.00% Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Intense Hora Grenade Launcher100.00% 
Intense Hora Akeron Launcher100.00% Wind Intense Hora Staff100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Staff100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Staff100.00% Smart Intense Hora Staff100.00% Strong Intense Hora Staff100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Staff100.00% Strength Intense Hora Staff100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Staff100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Staff100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Staff100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Staff100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Staff100.00% Wind Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Smart Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Strong Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Strength Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Vulcan100.00% Wind Intense Hora Bow100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Bow100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Bow100.00% Smart Intense Hora Bow100.00% Strong Intense Hora Bow100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Bow100.00% Strength Intense Hora Bow100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Bow100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Bow100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Bow100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Bow100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Bow100.00% Wind Intense Hora Faust100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Faust100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Faust100.00% Smart Intense Hora Faust100.00% Strong Intense Hora Faust100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Faust100.00% Strength Intense Hora Faust100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Faust100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Faust100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Faust100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Faust100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Faust100.00% Wind Intense Hora Knife100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Knife100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Knife100.00% Smart Intense Hora Knife100.00% Strong Intense Hora Knife100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Knife100.00% Strength Intense Hora Knife100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Knife100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Knife100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Knife100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Knife100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Knife100.00% Wind Intense Hora Sword100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Sword100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Sword100.00% Smart Intense Hora Sword100.00% Strong Intense Hora Sword100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Sword100.00% Strength Intense Hora Sword100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Sword100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Sword100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Sword100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Sword100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Sword100.00% Wind Intense Hora Axe100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Axe100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Axe100.00% Smart Intense Hora Axe100.00% Strong Intense Hora Axe100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Axe100.00% Strength Intense Hora Axe100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Axe100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Axe100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Axe100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Axe100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Axe100.00% Wind Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Hammer100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Smart Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Strong Intense Hora Hammer100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Strength Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Hammer100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Hammer100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Hammer100.00% Wind Intense Hora Spear100.00% Endurance Intense Hora Spear100.00% 
Pain Intense Hora Spear100.00% Smart Intense Hora Spear100.00% Strong Intense Hora Spear100.00% 
Solid Intense Hora Spear100.00% Strength Intense Hora Spear100.00% Advanced Strength Intense Hora Spear100.00% 
Vampire Intense Hora Spear100.00% Guardian Intense Hora Spear100.00% Sharp Intense Hora Spear100.00% 
Grand Intense Hora Spear100.00% Hammer Of Doom100.00% M-134SA 'Vampyre'100.00% 
Scarlet100.00% Rainbow Staff100.00% ASS-17-B 'Gigantes'100.00% 
Black Lowling100.00% Dark Call100.00% SPA-8E 'Riot'100.00% 
Nemesis100.00% Torrefic Socom100.00% Rock Crusher100.00% 
ST-34G 'Song of terror'100.00% BB-14A2 'Mice Custom'100.00% Razing Booster100.00% 
FS-666 'Nine Hell'100.00% Hedge Hawk T1100.00% Plasma Lance T1100.00% 
Linear Cannon T1100.00% 53Lv Trap Exchange100.00% Blessed Seal Breaking Scroll100.00% 
Jewelry Box100.00% Gateway Generating Key100.00% Gateway Generating Key100.00% 
Gateway Generating Key100.00% Gateway Generating Key100.00% Gateway Generating Key100.00% 
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