After know how to Upgrade Elemental in RF Online. In this post we will know how to Upgrade Elemental Medium to High with Success Rate.
Don’t forget, the combination recipe to upgrade elemental is:

β 1 Elemental Accessory
β 5 pcs of T3 High Gems (Fire Ruby / Ice Crystal / Poison Topaz / Wind Obsidian)
β 5 pcs of T3 High Gems (Fire Ruby / Ice Crystal / Poison Topaz / Wind Obsidian)
β 5 pcs of Ignorant / Keen Talics (for attack type)
β 5 pcs of Mercy Talics / Favor Talics (depend on your elemental type, mercy talics for avoid, favor talics for defense)
Note :
– for Atk Skill type elemental, add ignorant talic only for Accretia, Bellato and Cora.
– You need 8,000,000’s money for combining fees. (CP / Dallant / Disena) for Elemental Ring
– You need 8,000,000’s money for combining fees. (CP / Dallant / Disena) for Elemental Amulet